!! Submission File Type !!
Please create and submit a high-resolution image of your artwork using these tips/instructions for submitting high-resolution files. Here is instructions text to resize photos.
The files must be no bigger than 8x10 with a resolution of 300ppi or 300 ppi in Photoshop. Ideally, they would be saved in the CMYK format instead of RGB. See "Instructions to Resize Photos" below.
Save and attach all fine art and photography submissions as lastname_titleofwork (Example: Minkel_BigLove)
*Any errors on the submission form will result in automatic disqualification from the journal. Failure to follow submission upload instructions will also result in disqualification. Pay attention to detail. Contact Regan Minkel (rmin@tjc.edu) or Torrey Wylie (twyl@tjc.edu) with any questions about fine art and photography submissions.